When you can no longer get a same day appointment with your childs pediatrician because his case load has increased 10x and appointments are booked three weeks in advance...
When that same doctor, who used to be so conscientious, now rushes through appointments because he has 45 people in his waiting room...
When you spend 17 hours in the ER waiting to get your screaming, in pain child seen for a simple ear infection because you couldn't get an appointment at that same pediatrician and everybody else had the same idea...
When that antibiotic they finally prescribe to that same child no longer costs 4 dollars at Wal Mart but is now 25 dollars...
When you watch your next door neighbor get evicted because they could no longer afford their rent because the premiums were too costly on the "free" government healthcare everyone has to pay for or get fined for not having...
When your 70 year old grandmother, who is still active, who has always worked and been a productive member of society is denied treatment for a recurring condition based on "quality of life standards" and age but your 30 year old unemployed living on welfare neighbor, an illegal immigrant, gets taken care of for the same thing...
When Euthanasia becomes a "viable option" because it saves money...
When your newborn, who could live many many happy years with medical care is denied it and allowed to die because of those same quality of life standards...
When abortion becomes an accepted form of birth control...
When the cost of everything from that coffee you're drinking to the electricity you made it with becomes more expensive as taxes are raised and then raised again to cover the price of this little bill...
When, in the coming years all of these things come to pass... tell me THEN that you like the new health care reform.
Saying that that can't happen in the good old US of A?? Go read up on socialized health care in Canada and Europe... the numbers and the statistics don't lie.
And beyond all of that, tell me... if they can push through a bill ignoring the Constitution in the process by making a "rule" saying it is legal, what next? What will they deem best for us.. for YOU... next? Where does the line get drawn before we say "enough!"?